为了简洁起见,Twitter已经成为一个繁荣的社交媒体平台,该公司一直在进行更改(例如,今年早些时候针对不那么出色的蜂窝数据网络推出了Twitter Lite),以鼓励不断增长的用户群增加参与度。
尽管该公司以其140个字符的限制而闻名,但事实证明,其简短对于英语“Tweeters”来说是一个痛苦。本周,Twitter产品经理Aliza Rosen和高级软件工程师Ikuhiro Ihara进入Twitter的官方博客,宣布对Twitter设置新的字符数限制。Twitter现在不再将长期限制的140个字符限制为280个字符限制,以缓解将英语表达形式拼凑成140个字符的麻烦。
While the company is known for its 140 character limit, its brevity has proved a pain for English "tweeters.". This week, twitter product manager Alisa Rosen and Senior Software Engineer ikuhiro Ihara went to Twitter's official blog to announce a new character limit. Twitter is no longer limiting the long-standing limit of 140 characters to 280 characters to ease the hassle of piecing together English expressions into 140 characters.
Rosen and Ihara pointed out the motivation of character expansion: although English tweets usually have to be edited and reduced before publishing, Japanese users will not encounter the same problem because "in Japanese, Korean and Chinese, you can communicate twice as much, and you can use many other languages (such as English, Spanish, etc.), Portuguese or French) provides a lot of information in one character. " The previous limit of 140 characters put English users at a greater disadvantage. When tweeting, 9% of English users reached the limit of 140 characters, while 0.4% of Japanese users reached the same limit.