近日,人工智能视频创作服务Wibbitz发布了一份报告,报告中表示想要利用Instagram提升销量的广告人员可能需要关注插播式视频广告(in-stream video ads),而不是Stories广告。
The number of instagram users surveyed in the report is quite small, with less than 1000 users from three countries. However, it is worth noting that among the respondents surveyed, the number of respondents who bought goods after watching the information stream video ads was twice as many as those who bought goods after watching the stories ads.
其一,根据Wibbitz的调查,接受调查的Instagram用户中有26%表示,他们会通过"Instagram Explore"选项卡(应用程序中的一部分,其中包含根据用户兴趣提供的内容和品牌帐户)来关注新的品牌账号,并且每个月进行至少一次。如果你将此发现与Instagram的用户数量相比较(有半数的Instagram用户每月都会访问"Explore"选项卡),这意味着Explore功能具有巨大的潜力,能为品牌带来大量的参与度。
As we all know, instagram has always been a popular social platform for young people. Ninety five percent of generation Z and 85 percent of millennials surveyed by webitz use instagram. Therefore, for advertising marketers, understanding how young audiences interact with brands on instagram, and what types of content are more likely to bring about interaction, is an important source of insights for optimizing paid advertising and natural posts on social networks.