tiktok刷粉 Instagram已正式向所有人推出了新的图钉评论功能
🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『zfensi(微信)』 - The new fixed comment feature is now available in each user's latest update. The function is very simple. All you have to do is slide over the comments and you'll see fixed options as well as reply, report and delete tips. So now you can just click on the fixed options to stay at the top of your preferred comments, initiate a topic discussion to your audience, and help you stop the conversation.🟨🟧🟩🟦
[ins涨粉丝网] https://www.zfensi.com新的固定评论功能现已在每个用户的 新更新中推出。该功能非常简单。您所要做的只是在评论上滑动,您将看到固定选项以及回复,报告和删除提示。因此,现在您只需单击固定选项即可将您的 评论停留在顶部,从而向您的受众群体发起主题讨论,并应帮助您阻止对话的进行。
The new fixed comment feature is now available in each user's latest update. The function is very simple. All you have to do is slide over the comments and you'll see fixed options as well as reply, report and delete tips. So now you can just click on the fixed options to stay at the top of your preferred comments, initiate a topic discussion to your audience, and help you stop the conversation.
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