tiktok刷粉 Instagram正在平台清除宣传转化疗法的帖子
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据外媒报道,Facebook的图片社交媒体平台Instagram正在打击转换疗法的内容,另外它还宣布将禁止任何推广该种不 做法的内容。Instagram证实,该平台正在更新政策以此在全球范围内禁止任何推广或以其他方式宣传转化率治疗的帖子。
Instagram, Facebook's photo social media platform, is cracking down on the content of switch therapy, according to foreign media reports. It also announced that it will ban any content promoting the unscientific practice. Instagram confirmed that the platform is in the process of updating its policy to prohibit any post promoting or otherwise promoting conversion rate therapy worldwide.
这种被称为“转变疗法”的伪 行为通常是出于宗教动机,涉及到的基本都是试图改变受害者性取向的没有根据、有害的活动。大型健康和心理协会谴责了这种做法,并且在某些地区该行为属于违法行为。
活动人士一直在呼吁Instagram禁止在平台上推广转化疗法,此前人们的注意力都集中在Core Issues Trust上。据悉,该账号属于英国一家宗教性质非营利组织。根据这家非营利组织的网站了解到,其倡导以改变为导向的疗法,这种疗法基于一种被称为“性吸引流动性探索疗法(Sexual Attraction Fluidity Exploration in Therapy)”的模式,另外它还表示自己反对将这种疗法称为转化疗法的夸张描述。
[ins涨粉丝网] https://www.zfensi.comInstagram表示,它已从Core Issues Trust账号中删除了违规内容。不过该账号仍有很多“X-Out-Loud”的帖子以及“改变不受欢迎的同性情感的策略”等话题的演讲者、“从同性恋中解放出来的”人的声明。这些还残留着的帖子表明Instagram对推广这些服务的定义似乎非常狭隘。
Instagram said it had removed the offending content from its core issues trust account. However, the account still has a lot of "x-out-loud" posts, speakers on topics such as "strategies to change unpopular homosexual feelings" and statements from "people liberated from homosexuality". These remaining Posts indicate that instagram's definition of promoting these services seems to be very narrow.
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