tiktok刷粉 如何使用 Instagram 图谱 API 为帖子排期?
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去年,Instagram开始以Facebook图谱API为构建基础,逐步将Instagram API更新为Instagram图谱API。这项变更可以帮助商家更有效地管理自己的自然形象。今天,Instagram在API中引入了一些新功能,例如允许商家为帖子排期、查看已标记的帖子以及查看其它商家主页等。
Last year, instagram began to build on the basis of Facebook map API, and gradually updated instagram API to instagram map API. This change can help businesses manage their natural image more effectively. Today, instagram introduces some new features in the API, such as allowing businesses to schedule posts, view marked posts, and view other businesses' homepages.
[ins涨粉丝网] https://www.zfensi.com终止Instagram API平台支持
Instagram致力于为开发者社群提供 佳工具来支持平台上的商家,并将继续为Instagram图谱API增添新功能。为了让开发者有充裕的时间迁移到Instagram图谱API,Instagram将在2020年初开始停止支持Instagram API平台。
Instagram is committed to providing the developer community with the best tools to support businesses on the platform, and will continue to add new features to the instagram map API. In order to give developers enough time to migrate to instagram API, instagram will stop supporting instagram API platform in early 2020.
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