tiktok刷粉 为什么Instagram营销是跨境电子商务成功的关键?
🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『zfensi(微信)』 - Well, one obvious reason is the instagram format. Because of this visual quality, instagram offers a lot of opportunities for e-commerce companies that want to showcase their products. Whether through regular photos, videos or instagram stories, millions of businesses have learned that building a visual image on instagram can greatly supplement their e-commerce marketing.🟨🟧🟩🟦
Well, one obvious reason is the instagram format. Because of this visual quality, instagram offers a lot of opportunities for e-commerce companies that want to showcase their products. Whether through regular photos, videos or instagram stories, millions of businesses have learned that building a visual image on instagram can greatly supplement their e-commerce marketing.
然而,Instagram用户并不仅仅参与其中——他们通常也是在线购物者。根据 近的一项研究,72%的Instagram用户报告说在Instagram上看到了一些购买决定,其中 受欢迎的类别是服装、化妆品、鞋子和珠宝。
[ins涨粉丝网] https://www.zfensi.comInstagram非常适合电子商务的另一个原因与平台本身有关。正如我们在前一章中所提到的,Instagram 近推出了大量面向业务的新工具-而且肯定会有更多的工具!无论是通过Instagram Stories中的链接还是可购买的Instagram帖子,很快我们的许多在线购物体验将在Instagram上开始(并结束)。
It's wrong to say that all this is just because you don't sell e-commerce products and your business doesn't belong to instagram! In addition to the unique capabilities of mobile products, instagram is a great place for companies to build brand awareness and connect with new audiences (and potential customers).
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