tiktok刷粉 维持收入增长:Twitter确认正尝试投放更多广告
🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『zfensi(微信)』 - Earlier this week, a reporter noticed that there were more ads on twitter, and posted a message on Twitter to reflect this phenomenon. However, not all Twitter users will see the same ad load, which means the trial won't affect everyone. However, it is clear that this experiment has targeted some technology journalists. A twitter spokesman declined to say how large the trial would be.🟨🟧🟩🟦
新浪科技讯 北京时间5月22日早间消息,据彭博社报道,Twitter发言人周二表示,Twitter正在尝试不同的广告加载频率。因此部分用户目前在Twitter上看到了比以往更多的广告。
Earlier this week, a reporter noticed that there were more ads on twitter, and posted a message on Twitter to reflect this phenomenon. However, not all Twitter users will see the same ad load, which means the trial won't affect everyone. However, it is clear that this experiment has targeted some technology journalists. A twitter spokesman declined to say how large the trial would be.
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