tiktok刷粉 Twitter将于明年3月关闭直播服务Periscope
🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『zfensi(微信)』 - 早在2015年3月,Periscope正式上线前,Twitter就已经将其收购,那时候非常流行手机视频直播。- ins涨粉丝网- tiktok刷粉平台|telegram刷粉|ins刷粉丝|ins刷粉|tiktok刷粉 便宜ins刷粉丝,24小时自助-专业ins粉赞平台🟨🟧🟩🟦
Twitter宣布将关闭直播服务Periscope,明年3月这款应用程序将正式停服。Twitter将继续通过Twitter主应用中的集成Twitter Live功能提供直播功能。
"Periscope applications have been in unsustainable maintenance mode for some time," Twitter explained in its blog post“ Over the past two years, we've seen its usage decline, and we know that the cost of supporting the application will only continue to rise over time. "
[ins涨粉丝网] https://www.zfensi.com虽然Periscope明年3月才会完全关闭,但在 新版应用中,该公司已不再允许新用户注册。在服务完全关闭前,用户可以下载Periscope视频和数据存档。
Twitter在2016年12月将Periscope集成到Twitter应用中,该功能被描述为“由Periscope提供支持”。Twitter表示,在那之后已将“Periscope的大多数核心功能”移至Twitter Live。
Twitter Integrated Periscope into its twitter application in December 2016, which is described as "supported by periscope". Twitter said it has since moved "most of the core features of periscope" to twitter live.
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