tiktok刷粉 来看看Twitter将推的新验证服务长什么样
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据外媒报道,6月5号前有报道曝出,Twitter正在恢复用户验证服务,现在逆向工程师Jane Manchun Wong发布了更多关于这一过程的信息。这一过程似乎更注重用户的真实身份。由政府提供的ID包括在验证内容里面。经过验证的用户则将能获得优先搜索和加强报告的奖励。
According to foreign media reports, before June 5, it was reported that Twitter was resuming its user authentication service. Now reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong has released more information about this process. This process seems to pay more attention to the real identity of users. The id provided by the government is included in the verification content. Verified users will be rewarded with priority search and enhanced reporting.