Instagram今天在庆祝,因为并非每天都有一个社交网络诞生10周年,而且也保持在榜首。该平台始于2010年, 初是一种照片修饰应用程序,现在每月有10亿活跃用户用来与全球社区分享他们的照片,视频和“故事”,并通过一系列新功能和改进来庆祝该平台。减少在线骚扰和欺凌行为。
Instagram is celebrating today, because not every day there is a 10th anniversary of the birth of social networks, and it also remains at the top of the list. The platform started in 2010 as a photo retouching app and now has 1 billion active users every month to share their photos, videos and "stories" with the global community and celebrate the platform with a series of new features and improvements. Reduce online harassment and bullying.
Android和Windows用户首先要在Apple App Store上使用,它们必须分别等到2012年和2016年才能在其系统上使用Instagram。2012年4月,Facebook决定以10亿美元的价格收购Instagram。从那时起直到现在,Instagram的功能和功能已超过 初的功能:上传视频,指导,购买产品和服务,共享按小时删除的内容。
即使是新的聊天服务,也源于它与FacebookMessenger有争议的合并,甚至还有Reels选项,以 纯粹的TikTok风格制作短片。就连很多ComicSans字体也公开谴责,作为Stories中的文字。
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After entering the interior, slide your finger to the bottom of the screen until you see four icons and confetti everywhere. You'll find a secret menu where you can customize the instagram icon and choose from 13 options, including 4 original apps with classic Polaroid cameras.