The latest version of opera has been released, and with Twitter now in the sidebar, you can share your ideas with the world faster. You don't need to open a new tag and launch twitter or TweetDeck to access key contributions, search and direct messages. You can add it through the sidebar settings menu.
Opera表示,这是 个包含本机Twitter集成的主要浏览器。它是在侧边栏添加Instagram之后进行的,对于经常使用Twitter和/或希望随时关注突发新闻的人来说,这应该可以节省时间。该浏览器还具有对Messenger,WhatsApp,Telegram和VKontakte的内置访问。
Opera said it was the first major browser to include native twitter integration. It's done after adding instagram to the sidebar, which should save time for people who use Twitter regularly and / or want to keep up with breaking news. The browser also has built-in access to messenger, WhatsApp, telegram and Vkontakte.
Opera 69还有其他一些技巧。起始页上有一个新的天气小部件,而Opera则说它改进了可视化标签循环程序和工作区。