Twitter似乎正在测试编辑功能 但与您期望的不完全相同
看起来Twitter 终可能终于允许用户编辑自己的推文。用户开始在周日下午注意到该消息:如果删除了一条推文答复,然后尝试再次答复,则会显示“已删除”文本,允许您纠正任何错误并重新发送。边缘的汤姆沃伦展示了它是如何工作的:
It looks like Twitter may finally allow users to edit their tweets. Users begin to notice the message on Sunday afternoon: if you delete a tweet reply and then try to reply again, the "deleted" text is displayed, allowing you to correct any errors and resend. Tom Warren at the edge shows how it works:
可编辑的推文是Twitter用户渴望得到的东西,并恳求Twitter实施。Twitter首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)在记录中说,Twitter“可能永远不会”引入删除按钮。但是,Twitter 近推出了其他人们急需的功能,包括将其答复限制功能提供给所有用户,作为该平台努力使人们对其对话进行更多控制的一部分。
Editable tweets are something Twitter users crave and implore twitter to implement. Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey said in the note that Twitter "may never" introduce the delete button. However, Twitter has recently introduced other much-needed features, including its reply restriction feature, to all users as part of the platform's efforts to give people more control over its conversations.